With a floor to ceiling pantry unit like this creation of mine, there is so much storage space that it eliminates the need for kitchen cupboard upper units. The elimination of uppers allows the room to grow significantly, as there aren't bulky cabinets right at eye level. This feature gives a kitchen a spacious, open feel.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Vanessa. I was doing a google image search for wall pantry & came across your blog.
I really like how you made the doors the entire height of the pantry.
I'm planning to do something similar in our basement for storage purposes.
Did you come up with the plans for this yourself? Or did you find it in a book?
The reason I'm asking is, I'd like to know the materials I'd need to buy, & if it could be modified so the pantry is deeper. Ideally, I would like it to be 30" deep (we have a lot of big tote bins, lol).
Any help, suggestions or advice, would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Vanessa Jones (Brampton, Ontario)
P.S. where the heck is Paisley, Ontario ��